Human trafficking Unsafe migration Rehabilitation of migration returnees & Victims
Human Rights and Good Governance
Democratization Peace building Dialogue
Child Development
Child Protection Early Childhood Care, Infant Feeding
Environment &Climate Change
Natural resource management and conservation, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Integration of Biodiversity and Health
Humanitarian and Emergency Response
Immediate response to Natural and Man made disaster affected areas
MSD serves its community with full commitment. MSD focuses to address the problems of hard to reach groups of the community such as early married rural girls, People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), in and out of school youth, commercial sex workers & their clients, waitresses, long distance truck drivers, Adolescents, youth, women, widows and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). At community level, the organization works with community members and community based social service providing institutions, schools, health centers, government sector offices and youth centers.