Access, quality education , TVET skill improvements
Economic strengthening Prevention of HTP GBV
Human trafficking Unsafe migration Rehabilitation of migration returnees & Victims
Democratization Peace building Dialogue
Child Protection Early Childhood Care, Infant Feeding
Natural resource management and conservation, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Integration of Biodiversity and Health
Immediate response to Natural and Man made disaster affected areas
MSD serves its community with full commitment. MSD focuses to address the problems of hard to reach groups of the community such as early married rural girls, People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), in and out of school youth, commercial sex workers & their clients, waitresses, long distance truck drivers, Adolescents, youth, women, widows and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). At community level, the organization works with community members and community based social service providing institutions, schools, health centers, government sector offices and youth centers.
Mahibere hiwot for Social Development (MSD) is a not–for–profit, non–partisan and non- political Civil Society Organization (NPCSO) committed to deliver a lasting difference to the lives of people in need.
It was established in October 1999 by few volunteer youth who were concerned and hence aspired to contribute their part in the national effort to combat the spread of the HIV epidemic.
See youth and children achieve their greatest potential and actively participate in the socio-economic development of the country
Works in collaboration with stakeholders in identifying needs and providing supports and services to equip youth and children with education, skills and assets to access opportunities and become agents of change within their communities